Groups resouce

Get group or list of groups



GET     /groups/{name}                                                      

to get group/groups by providing list of names

GET    /groups/{groupids}                                                

to get a single group or set of groups by providing list of groupids 

This API call is used to retrieve users from the system. Response will provide list of users that are queried. Here in the call one can provide userids in CSV format to search by ID, or can provide email addresses in CSV format to search users by email address also. If nothing is provided it will return all active users in the system (Following the REST standards, the endpoint becomes different, so as suggested above for getting a list of all users we need to specify a separate REST endpoint /groups). Each response will contain specific amount of users in a single call (say 100 users in single call). Response will provide link to next page and previous page if users are more than specified amount. Using that link client need to make multiple (recursive) calls to retrive all users. Also user can get a basic user object with minimal no of fields and a detailed user object which contains all user fields. 



<name>HighQ solutions</name>

<description>HighQ solutions India</description>





Last Updated: Jun 09,2023