Coming soon ...
Natasha Miller-Santos ,
As per our use case, We can't consolidate in single iSheet.
Hello Kiran - unfortunately due to the constraint of using data from two different iSheets to perform a calculation - I'd suggest consolidating all data into one iSheet and then perform the calculation from that single iSheet.
Natasha Miller-Santos ,
Thank you for your reply.
Is there any work-around ? using that we can do ?
Hello Kiran - improving the lookup column is on the current roadmap for iSheets and we plan to make a series of improvements including adding the column to advance search, as well the ability to include the look up value in the calculation. These are complex changes that may take a while to make available to you but they are both on the roadmap! Thanks
How to access reference field in Calculation type field ?
I have two iSheheet A and B, A iSheet has Amount Column and B sheet has TotalNum Column, I want to create another column in A which generate result like A.Amount * B.TotalNum.