Use case repository

External Object Storage Connector


The Collaborate product charges by the amount of data stored, so an integration which can provide efficient transfer out of the system, is a valuable tool for system administrators/ product owners.

The HighQ REST API can be leveraged to download the file & folder structures of an instance's sites. This tool does so both onto the server this app is running on, as well as to a remote storage repository like AWS S3. A user can then soft/hard delete the contents of sites in Collaborate, from the UI of the app. 

Users of the integration get a different UI for viewing the system level perspective on sites. If this was built out to a production grade, we would add many more options for filtering and ordering the results. The idea being that a system admin can get a clear view of which sites are old and large and then make an informed decision about moving the data out, before deleting. 

Data Room List

Here is what a site detail page looks like: 

Data Room Detail
At the bottom of the site detail page, we have the buttons which can launch jobs to copy a site as well as either 'recycle bin' all its contents or permanently delete: 

Task Buttons

We expect some actions to be long-running, (i.e. transferring a large site), so these operations are pushed out to a background worker process. We then 'poll' the status of the background job from the app's frontend.

Polling the Celery Progress

Here is 'New Test Site Hamza' in our support UAT: 

External Object Storage Connector 3

We run the site copy job and here is the site downloaded on the sever: 

External Object Storage Connector 2


Here is the site replicated on Amazon S3: 

External Object Storage Connector

There is a settings page, so it would be easy to switch between Collaborate instances, as well as remote storage provider (it currently supports AWS S3 and Digital Ocean Spaces). 




Last Updated: Jun 10,2023