User resource

Site users management - Activate users


Use this method to activate user(s) in a site 

Request URI

PUT /api/3/sites/{siteid}/users/activate

URI Parameters

Request Parameters




integer The ID for the site.

1) To get site id use following API Get site list.

Request Body 

A list of user ids of users who are to be activated in a site. Send a transaction id's object to send a list of user id's. 

To get the user id's first call the get all site users API, which is used to get site users email id's and other details 


The server will respond with 200 OK http response in the case of success, and a (4xx/5xx) response in the case of a partial success or a complete failure

The response body will contain transaction status information for each user


  • User Id must be integer. If it's not, it will display the following message "User ID provided is Invalid."
  • If a user id is listed multiple times in the transaction id's list it will initially activate the user and the next time it will display the following message "The selected user is already activated". 
  • The user must be a participant of the given site. If the user is not, it will display the following message "User with the specified User ID does not exist in the site"




Last Updated: Jun 09,2023