
Steps to move from Sandbox to Production


If you have been developing your integration on our sandbox environment or have been using a UAT or test environment, you will need to take few steps to move your integration to production client instance. 

Each client instance is independent of each other as HighQ hosts our clients on a single tenant architecture. What this means for the API integration is that an API application registration is required in order to use API endpoint on each instance. 

The steps are as under:

  • Generate a new API application registration key from the production instance using the system admin interface.
    If you have access to the system admin section (System admin -> API application registration) then you can do it yourself or ask the system admin to do that for you. Alternately you can raise a support request to the HighQ Support team and they can create a new API application registration and send the details to you (Client authorization is required for this). 
  • Generate a new OAuth token based on production instance OAuth details. (Client ID and secret key)
  • Use the production instance base URL instead of sandbox instance so if you have been using change to clients production instance e.g as the Base URL for your API calls. 
  • Use the OAuth token created for the production instance in all your API communication. 



Last Updated: Jun 10,2023