Billing API

Schema - GET


Use the GET method to retrieve a list of attachment types. Company-ID is required. You will need to obtain this by using the Company List API. The endpoint provides $select, $filter, $orderby, $top, $skip, $count query options which can identify a subset of the data.

GET Invoice Attachment Types


Field Displayed in Tracker as Description
id Contained in url of Add supporting documents The id of the invoice document type.
name Supporting Document Type The name of the invoice document type.
description Description The description of the invoice document type.
is Default Other (default) Indicates whether the invoice document is default or not.
isActive Active Indicates whether the invoice document type is active or not.
modifiedDateTime n/a The latest modified date-time of the invoice document type.
allowMultiple Allow multiple Indicates whether multiple invoice attachments of this type can be added to the same invoice or not.
includeinAPBatch Include in AP Batch Indicates whether the attachments of this type will be included in the AP batches or not.
requirement Invoice Upload
  • optional - optional invoice upload.
  • required - required for all invoice formats.
  • requiredLedes - required for LEDES invoice only.
  • requiredNonLedes - required for Non-LEDES invoice only.
  • Enum:
  • [ null, optional, required, requiredLedes, requiredNonLedes ]


GET Invoices

Using the GET method, you can retrieve an invoice available for the current user. The request returns information about the invoice that is described in schema. In order to return complex properties (e.g. taxes, adjustments, etc.), $expand parameter has to be used.

Field Displayed in Tracker as Description
id Invoice Tracker ID The Tracker id of the invoice.
companyId - The Tracker id of the company associated with the invoice.
firmId in url of firm The Tracker id of the firm associated with the invoice.
firmOfficeID in url of firm office The Tracker id of the firm office associated with the invoice.
otherVendorModel n/a n/a
vendorName Full Firm Name Name of the Vendor.
street1 Street 1 Street 1 of the Vendor's address.
street2 Street 2 Street 2 of the Vendor's address.
city City City of the Vendor.
state State State of the Vendor.
zipPostalCode Zip/Postal Code Zip/Postal Code of the Vendor.
country Country Country of the Vendor.
matterId In rul of the matter The Tracker id of the matter associated with the invoice.
currency Invoice Currency Currency used in the invoice ('Accounting' tab).
isLedes Invoice Type: LEDES 1998BI, LEDES 1998B, LEDES XML Indicates whether the invoice is a LEDES invoice or not (when positing from Company side).
isMemo Memo Entry Indicates whether the invoice is a memo invoice or not.
isProforma - Indicates whether the invoice is a proforma invoice or not.
proformaInvoiceId In url of proforma invoice The proforma invoice id of the posted tax invoice.
invoiceFileInfo n/a n/a
fileName Invoice Number Name of the original file.
size - Size of the file (in bytes).
uploadedDateTime n/a Date and time file was uploaded.
md5Hash n/a The MD5 Hash string of the file.
downloadLink n/a The temporary link to download the file.
fees Fees The total fees in the invoice.
expenses Expenses The total expenses in the invoice.
taxes Taxes The information on the invoice taxes.
taxType Tax Type The type of tax ('Profile' tab).
otherTaxTypeName n/a The other (custom) type of tax ('Profile' tab).
subjectToTax Amt Subject to Tax The amount subjected to tax (taxable amount) ('Profile' tab).
taxRate Tax Rate The tax rate ('Profile' tab).
taxAmount Tax The tax amount ('Profile' tab).
invoiceNumber Invoice The unique invoice number.
invoiceDate Inv. Date Date of the Invoice.
billingPeriodStartDate Inv. Period Start Date of Billing Period.
billingPeriodEndDate Inv. Period End Date of Billing Period.
state n/a n/a
status Status The invoice approval status.
comment Comment The invoice comment or the system generated comment for the firm.
details Incomplete Tasks Affecting Delivery The incomplete task list if the invoice delivery is on hold.
postedDateTime Inv. posted Date and time the invoice was posted.
approvedDateTime Inv. approved The date and time at which the final approver approved (or rejected) the invoice.
description Description The descriptive summary of the performed work.
adjustments Adjustments The information on the invoice adjustments.
type -
  • mia - the matter/invoice adjustment.
  • mib - the matter/invoice bonus.
  • micf - the matter/invoice contingency fee.
  • micm - the matter/invoice credit memo.
  • midb - the matter/invoice discounted bill.
  • midhr - the matter/invoice discounted hourly rate.
  • mifa - the matter/invoice funds applied.
  • miff - the matter/invoice is billed at a flat fee.
  • mir - the matter/invoice retainer.
  • misf - the matter/invoice shared fee.
  • eid - expense item discount.
  • eiff - expense item is billed at a flat fee.
  • eia - expense item adjustment.
  • eidhr - expense item discounted hourly rate.
  • fid - fee item discount.
  • fiff - fee item is billed at a flat fee.
  • fia - fee item adjustment.
  • fidhr - fee item discounted hourly rate.
  • other - another type of AFA.
amount Adjust The adjusted amount.
adjusterId n/a The Tracker id of the user who added the adjustment.
adjusterName Name The name of the user who added the adjustment.
dateTime n/a Date and time the adjustment was made.
reason Reason Reason for the adjustment.
comment Comments The comment added for the adjustment.
lineItemNumber n/a The line item number associated with the adjustment.
attachment n/a n/a
id In the url of invoice document file The id of the invoice document.
typeId In the url of document type The id of the invoice document type.
description Description The description of the invoice document.
fileInfo n/a n/a
fileName Name Name of the original file.
size n/a Size of the file (in bytes).
uploadedDateTime n/a Date and time the file was uploaded.
md5Hash n/a The MD5 Hash string of the file.
dowloadLink n/a The temporary link to download the file.


GET Matters 

Use the GET method to retrieve a list of company matters available for the current user. Company-ID is required. You will need to obtain this by using the Company List API. The endpoint provides $select, $filter, $orderby, $top, $skip, $count query options which can identify a subset of the data.


Field Displayed in Tracker as Description
id n/a The Tracker id of the matter.
clientMatterName Short Matter Name Unique, short, descriptive name for this matter. Matters are commonly listed by their short names in Tracker.
clientMatterNumber Matter ID Id of the matter.
FirmMatterNumbersModel n/a n/a
matterNumber Firm Matter # Law firm matter number.
clientNumber Firm Client # Law firm client number.
matterName Firm Matter Name Law firm internal matter name.
locationOfLegalWork Location of legal work Location of legal work
status - MatterStaus Matter Status
  • open - the matter is open.
  • closed - the matter is closed.
matterType Matter Type (Template) Type (Template) of the matter
substantiveLaw Substantive law Substantive Law
countryOrRegion Country Name or code for the country or region that the matter is associated with.
state State Name of the state the matter is associated with.
startDateTime Start Date The date and time at which the matter was opened.
resolutionDateTime Date Resolved The date and time at which the matter was closed.
leadCompanyPersonEmail Lead Co. Person Email address of the primary company person or in-house counsel who is responsible for the matter.
numberTwoCompanyPersonEmail #2 Company Person Email address of the secondary company person who is responsible for the matter.
fullNameAndPartiesInvolved Full Matter Name/Parties Involved Full name of the matter.
leadOutsideCouncelEmail Lead OC Email address of the lead outside counsel.
leadFirmName Lead Firm  Name of the matter's lead firm.
leadFirmOfficeName Lead Firm (Office) Name of the matter's lead firm office.
primaryFeeArragement Lead Firm Fee Arrangement The name of the primary fee arrangement with the client.
primaryFeeComment Lead Firm Fee Comment The comment associated with the primary fee arrangement.
utbmsExpenseCodesRequired n/a Indicates whether UTBMS expense codes are required for invoices submitted to this matter.
requiredTaskCodeTypes n/a Required task code types for the matter.


Last Updated: Mar 31,2022