Billing API

Schema - POST


Use the POST method to post a new LEDES invoice to Legal Tracker.

The following fields are mandatory in the POST invoice API: 

  • firmId, firmOfficeId - no source, find from Legal Tracker Application/support
  • matterId - Obtain from GET Matter endpoint 
  • Company-ID (header) – Obtain from Company List API
  • typeId – Obtain from GET endpoint 

Posting New LEDES Invoice with attachment

If you have an attachment to post with your invoice, please upload it first, as you will need the fileKey prior to posting the invoice. 
Upload a new document with an attachment specified by eFileKey:

  1. Use the eFiles API to obtain an upload link.
  2. Upload a file to temporary storage. Please refer to the eFiles API for more details and examples.
  3. Create the new document.


POST invoices


Field Displayed in Tracker as Description
firmId In url of firm profile The Tracker id of the firm associated with the invoice.
firmOfficeId In url of firm office profile The Tracker id of the firm office associated with the invoice.
matterId In url of matter The Tracker id of the matter associated with the invoice.
currency Invoice currency The currency used in the invoice ('Accounting' tab).
isLedes Invoice Type: LEDES 1998BI, LEDES 1998B, LEDES XML Indicates whether the invoice is a LEDES invoice or not ('Profile' tab).
isMemo Memo Entry Indicates whether the invoice is a memo invoice or not (when posting from Company side).
isProforma n/a Indicates whether the invoice is a proforma invoice or not.
proformaInvoiceId In url of proforma invoice The proforma invoice id of the posted tax invoice.
invoiceFileKey n/a The file key (blob name) of the invoice file (LEDES file for LEDES invoices or PDF for non-LEDES). Cannot be used together with content. Please refer to Efile API documentation for additional information on file upload process.
content n/a The content of the invoice LEDES file provide as plain text. Cannot be used together with invoiceFileKey.
invoiceFileName Invoice Number The file name of the posted invoice (if invoice is posted using content field).
postedDateTime Inv. posted The date and time at which the invoice was posted (only for memo invoices).
approvedDateTime Inv. approved The date and time at which the final approver approved (or rejected) the invoice.
attachments n/a n/a
typeId In the url of the document type The id of the type of the posted invoice file attachment.
description Description The description of the posted invoice file attachment.
fileKey n/a The file key (blob name) of the posted invoice file attachment. Please refer to Efile API documentation for additional information on file upload process.


Last Updated: Mar 31,2022