Download iSheet Attachments



I'm using Intapp Integrate to connect to our HighQ instance, with the intention of downloading attachments from an iSheet column.  While I can connect to the instance, locate the iSheet column and use the API as described in the following article to connect and confirm (200 response) that the attachment is there - I can't seem to get the file.  The content response is empty (or at least Intapp Integrate thinks it is), and I'm expecting a binary stream of the attachment.  Has anyone tried to use this method of getting an iSheet attachment via the API with success?  Is there any other way I can test this to make sure it's not Integrate which is causing the issue?  Sorry for the novice questions but I'm a bit stuck and could do with some help to get over the final hurdle!

API guidance:



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Last Updated: Aug 18,2023