Tasks API

Get isheet record id for a task


This API endpoint is supported from Collaborate 5.0 and above

A site can be configured with a task metadata isheet. When a task is created in the task module, a new record is created in the task metadata isheet. Note: There can only be one task metadata isheet in a site. 

On creating the task in the task module, the associated record in the task metadata isheet can be obtained by calling the following method. This method can also be called for any existing tasks in the site, to update the metadata records for the task. 

Call the isheetRecordID to obtain the isheet record which is to be updated. 


GET /api/5/tasks/{taskid}/isheetRecordID 


The taskid parameter is the ID of the task for which the metadata record ID is required. 



The method returns the iSheet Record ID in the following format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <IsheetRecordID>{numeric record ID}</IsheetRecordID>

Please note that the isheetRecordID parameter is case sensitive.  

In case of an invalid task ID an error object is returned as below. 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <summary>Access denied</summary>




Last Updated: Jun 09,2023