Tasks API

Task CRUD operations API - Get all tasks


This method will get a list of existing tasks 

Request URI

GET     /tasks

Filter Parameters 

Query Parameters Description
siteid ( Integer )


The ID of the site. The siteid can be obtained by calling the Get site list API

listid ( Integer ) 


This is an integer value for a task list. 

Get all task lists  API

assigneeid (Integer )

(optional ) 

User or group id to whom the task is assigned .

for group id: use Get all site groups 

for user id: use Get site users 

assigneetypeid(Integer ) 


Expected value for assigneetypeid should be 1 (User) or 2(Group)

priority (String)

String value representing one of the possible values ( Low, Normal , High) . Default is normal
statusid (Integer )

Integer value representing one of the possible values ( Not started, In Progress, Complete, overdue-6, incomplete-2)for getting status call :Get all task status  
ordertype (String)

One of the possible values {duedate, priority,list, status, site,title,assignee}. If no value is provided in the ordertype element then the default ordertype configuration will be used. 
orderby (String)

Expected values  are asc OR desc. Default is asc
groupby (String)

One of the possible values {duedate,  priority,  status, list, assignee, site, none}

limit ( integer )


The no of items to return in an individual get call

if limit=0 it shows validation message



The starting taskid of the item from when the items list should be returned. This is to allow pagination















The response will show a list of task objects otherwise an error object is returned


  1. The value of limit parameter behaves as listed below:

    limit =100 is the default value

    if limit>0 then (number of items returned is equal to limit)

    if limit=-1 then return all records

    if limit <-1 then the system returns the default no of items i.e 100
  2. The value of the offset parameter behaves as listed below:

    (Default) offset =0 

    if offset > 0 then the records are returned from the offset value

    if offset < 0 then offset value of 0 is set
  3. Filtered by Overdue Status id should be= 2
  4. Filtered by Incomplete Status id should be=6
  5. In the case of any other status, pass status id as returned in the get status list API.
  6. Default value for orderby parameter is asc
  7. The API returns the tasklist in the order set in the UI




Last Updated: Jun 09,2023