DMS management API endpoints - Document DMS sync status
An API method which helps to bulk update Collaborate document's sync status when uploading the content to external DMS system. This method helps to toggle the Collaborate document status from inSync to synced or error, depending on the success or failure of the operation. This status change will change the icon colour from InSync (blue) to Synced (green) or Error (red), depending on the final status.
Method URL:
PUT folders/${folderid}/dmsaddrequest/?metaData.siteID=${siteid}
Request XML:
<?XML version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<request id="4">
<error>Not able to connect worksite</error>
<status>OUT_DATED_VERSION</status><!-- OUT_DATED_VERSION status support from 'worksite phase - 3' -->
Collaborate provides the following response codes
200 updated successfully
403 Validation failed/ Forbidden
405 Method not allowed (calling API with the wrong method)
500 Internal error occurred