File resource

DMS management API endpoints - Documents to Sync


An API method that provides a list of files and folders added to the synced folder in Collaborate and can be synced from Collaborate to Worksite. An API client can call this method at regular intervals to find out if there are any changes at the Collaborate end, and then based on that, can sync the changes back to DMS.

For this method to work you should schedule the unsynced document to sync by select the documents in the files module and using the menu option of "Save back to DMS". A limitation of this method is that it only returns the list of documents once and if called again does not return the list of documents to sync again. 


Method URL:

GET   folders/${folderid}/dmsaddrequest/?metaData.siteID=${siteid} 

Where folderid is the ID of the linked folder and siteID is the ID of the site in which the linked folder exists. 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <request id="28" type="document">

Please note that the changes related to each document are listed under the 'request' element and this includes the user responsible for adding the document to Collaborate and the folder hierarchy under which the document was uploaded. The parentfolderid element helps to understand the folder hierarchy so that the same folder hierarchy can be created in the external DMS. 



Last Updated: Jun 09,2023