iSheets API



This section lists the API methods available for the iSheets module. 


Please note:  The iSheet API version 1 provides limited no of methods to work with the iSheets module, please use the iSheet API version 2 which was made available from Collaborate 4.3 and above. 


iSheet content can also be fetched by using the isheets XML feed.

In order to find the URL of the XML feed, please select an isheet in isheet admin interface, edit the view of the isheet, (Site Admin - > isheets -> {Add / Edit} view for an Isheet - > Default {click on one of the views}) in the edit interface you will see two XML feeds, the "XML Export Link" works using an IP address white list where as the second one "Sheet view export XML link" requires a valid user session to work.  The IP address white list can be updated by raising a support request at 
You can also read this KB article to understanding how Isheets XML feed can be used to develop solutions. 

iSheets API



Tree, All levels




Get iSheet details


Get iSheet Columns

Create record in iSheet

Get externalID's of iSheet records

Delete records from iSheet

Get list of iSheet templates

Get a list of iSheets created using a specific iSheet template

Get isheet record id for a file

iSheets API version 2

   iSheets API version 2 - Common objects

   iSheets API version 2 - Get column types

   iSheets API version 2 - iSheet module - API

   iSheets API version 2 - iSheet admin - API

   iSheets API version 2 - iSheet System Admin - API



Last Updated: Sep 22,2023