iSheets API
iSheets API version 2 - iSheet admin - API - Column CRUD operations - Edit column

iSheets API version 2 - iSheet admin - API - Column CRUD operations - Edit column



Add a column to an existing iSheet


PUT /api/3/isheets/admin/{isheetid}/columns/{columnid}


Request Body

send column object



If the operation is successful, the API returns a progressive key resource object . Based on this progressive key, you can see the status of the iSheet column otherwise an error object is returned with the appropriate error code.

To get the status of an iSheet column based on a progressive key

POST /api/3/progressivekeystatus/{progressive_key}


Name Type Description
progressive_key String

This key shows the status of your progress. When a delete request is sent a progressive key, is returned back so the status can be checked. 


If the delete operation is successful, the API returns a progressive key resource object with a status of either 'in-progress', 'done', or 'failed'. If there is a failure, an error object is returned with the appropriate error code.


Internal Information




Last Updated: Jun 11,2023