iSheets API
iSheets API version 2 - Common objects - iSheet object

iSheets API version 2 - Common objects - iSheet object


Below is the representation of an iSheet object


    <id>{iSheet id}</id>

    <title>{The title of the isheet}</title>  {This is a required parameter}

    <description>{Provide description for the isheet}</description>

    <status>Active / Pending</status>

    <type>{text value of the supported types, possible values are documentmetadata / foldermetadata / taskmetadata / normal}</type>

    <accesstype>{Possible values are public / private {default value is private}}</accesstype>

    <viewlink>{Possible values are 0/1. This Properties determines if the 'view' link is visible to all users or not}</viewlink>







    <alertercondition>CData{condition listed in a CData object}</alertercondition>

    <overrideitemmodifieddate>{0/1} </overrideitemmodifieddate>       

    <enablebulkinsertupdate>{0/1} </enablebulkinsertupdate>

    <fielddescriptions>{SLIDE_IN / INLINE}</fielddescriptions>



            A list of column object column objects



Name Value Description
id Numeric This is the id of the iSheet, required for any edit operation. When creating a new iSheet, this will not be needed.
title String The title of the iSheet as it appears in the User Interface (UI)
description String The description of the iSheet



There are two possible values for this parameter:

  • Active  
  • Pending

This parameter allows you to change the status of the iSheet. Please note the case for this parameter should be supplied as it is. 



Parameter to specify the type of the iSheet. The possible values are:

  • documentmetadata
  • filemetadata
  • taskmetadata (Supported from Collaborate 5.0)
  • normal

If no value is provided or the element is omitted then the default setting is "normal"



Last Updated: Jun 09,2023