iSheets API

iSheets API version 2 - iSheet admin - API - Import iSheet templates - Edit imported iSheet template
iSheets API version 2 - iSheet admin - API - iSheet document template - Add iSheet document template
iSheets API version 2 - iSheet admin - API - iSheet document template - Download iSheet document template (configuration file)
This api is designed for downloading the configuration file (docx, docm) of an iSheet document template
GET /api/3/isheets/admin/doctemplate/{doctemplateid}/download
Parameter Name | Parameter Value | Description |
doctemplateid | number | Id of isheet document template |
Response : Binary stream of document
Response Code
Code | Meaning |
200 | Document found |
400 | Problem with parsing XML or JSON object (Bad Request) |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Validation failed/ Forbidden |
404 | Document doesn't exists in the system |
405 | Method not allowed (calling api with wrong method) |
500 | Internal error occured while gettting document content |
Last Updated: Nov 08,2024
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