iSheets API version 2 - iSheet admin - API - Import iSheet templates - Delete imported iSheet template
Use this method to delete iSheet templates within a site
DELETE /api/3/isheets/admin/isheettemplate/{linkedtemplateid}
The method has no request parameters or body
If the operation is successful, the API returns a progressive key resource object. And based on this progressive key, you can see the status of the iSheet template, otherwise an error object is returned with the appropriate error code.
To get the status of an iSheet template based on a progressive key
POST /api/3/progressivekeystatus/{progressive_key}
Name | Type | Description |
progressive_key | String | Use this key to check the status of your progress. When the first request is sent, a progressive key is returned in the response. |
If the operation is successful, the API returns a progressive key resource object with status of either 'in-progress', 'done', or 'failed'. If there is a failure, an error object is returned with the appropriate error code.
Note: linkedtemplateid = A new ID is generated when an iSheet template is added in the site.
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