iSheets API
iSheets API version 2 - Common objects - iSheet template parameter common object

iSheets API version 2 - Common objects - iSheet template parameter common object


The iSheet template parameter common object consists of the following elements


    <templateparametergroup templateruleid="{either id or -1}">
            <id>{template parameter id}</id>
            <data><![CDATA[{This tag will be used while importing iSheet template or editing imported iSheet template}]]></data>
            <id>{template parameter id}</id>
            <data><![CDATA[{This tag will be used while importing iSheet template or editing imported iSheet template}]]></data>
    <templateparametergroup templateruleid="{either id or -1}">


Note: If templateruleid="-1", it will create a new template parameters value. To update the existing value, you will need to provide templateruleid.



Last Updated: Jun 09,2023