Get externalID's of iSheet records
This method gives the external ID's of iSheets in CSV format. The external ID's are the ID's of the iSheet records added to the system by an earlier API call. The client application can use these external ID's to match the ID's with the external system and perform operations.
If no external ID's were added to the system when the records were added to the system, or the records were added through Collaborate then no external ID's will be returned for this call.
GET /isheet/externalId?sheetid={sheetid}&siteid={siteid}
Parameter Name | Value | Description |
isheetid | Int | The ID of the iSheet for which the column details are to be obtained |
siteid | int | ID of the site from which the external ID's are to be obtained |
Response XML
<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""yes""?>
<categories />
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