iSheets API
iSheets API version 2 - Common objects - iSheet item - common object - add/edit

iSheets API version 2 - Common objects - iSheet item - common object - add/edit


The iSheet record/item object consists of the following elements


<isheet recordcount="3">
        <item itemsequence="1" externalid="3" alerteroption="1">
            <!-- single line column type -->
            <column attributecolumnid="101">
                        <![CDATA[name as defautl value]]>
            <!-- multiple line column type -->
            <column attributecolumnid="102">
                        <![CDATA[name as defautl value]]>
            <!-- choice type column -->
            <column attributecolumnid="103">
                             <id>{choice option id}</id>
                             <label><![CDATA[{choice option value}]]></label> (It is only applicable if "Include 'Other' option" property is enable.)
            <!-- number type column -->
            <column attributecolumnid="104">
            <!-- date and time column type -->
            <column attributecolumnid="105">
                    <date><![CDATA[15.11.2017]]></date> <!-- this must conform to the format set at the column level --> 
            <!-- user lookup type column -->
            <column attributecolumnid="106">
            <!-- hyperlink type column -->
            <column attributecolumnid="107">
            <!-- image type column (as attachment) -->
            <column attributecolumnid="107">
            <!-- image type column (as URL) -->
            <column attributecolumnid="108">
            <!-- external attachment type column -->
            <column attributecolumnid="107">
            <!-- document link type column -->
            <column attributecolumnid="110">
                            <docid>{document id}</docid>
                            <docid>{document id}</docid>
            <!-- folder link type column -->
            <column attributecolumnid="111">
                            <folderid>{folder's id}</folderid>
                            <folderid>{folder's id}</folderid>
            <!-- isheet link type column -->
            <column attributecolumnid="112">
                            <recordid>{isheet record id}</recordid>
                            <recordid>{isheet record id}</recordid>
            <!-- Lookup type column -->
            <column attributecolumnid="113">
                            <recordid>{isheet record id}</recordid>
                            <recordid>{isheet record id}</recordid>
            <!-- join type column -->
            Doesn't support while Add/Edit isheet item
            <!-- calculate type column -->
            Doesn't support while Add/Edit isheet item
            <!-- Auto increment type column -->
            Doesn't support while Add/Edit isheet item
        <item itemsequence="2" externalid="4" alerteroption="1">
        <item itemsequence="3" externalid="4" alerteroption="1">


Note :

1. Please use the two following steps for adding an attachment to a record:

  • Use this api to add an attachment which will return an attachment ID
  • Use the attachment id from the previous step to populate the attachment/image field in the new record

2. alerteroption: This is only applicable if the iSheet configuration option "Eis selected.

  • Respect user preference
  • Send now to all users with access
  • Suppress all notifications

3. In the choice type column, we accept choice item id. Choice item ids are being served by Get columns API.

4. Date and time type column - We expect a string in the configured date format for that particular column. For example,  if column is configured to 'DD.MM.YYYY' then the string should be in the form of '15.11.2017'

5. Choice type column - If 'Include Other option' property is enabled then we will allow other values. For other option 'id=-1' and 'name={string}'



Last Updated: Jun 10,2023